Seriously. Everyone laughed for about a minute when I told them.
I also have to note that, about three hours after I posted 'Pic est Mort', we recieved the family of Pic (his mate and two children). They are named Picette, Pico, and Pic. They built their nest in the garden and will hibernate for the winter.
I'm not quite two months into my adventure, but I'm already finding it hard to keep posting regularly. My weekends are just so action packed, and I have choir Monday night, then Wednesday is middle of the week break night, so I don't want to post then, Thursdays I don't finish school until past 5 o' clock, and Friday night is Friday night. I know I'm making excuses, but prepare to have the posts slowing down.
I had a crazy weekend. It was awesome and wonderful, and I didn't realize the importance of sleeping during a 60 hour period until I could barely keep my eyes open while trying to sing Mozart's Requiem yesterday. I just kept saying to myself 'I can sleep when I get back to the states.' Next time, I'll plan crashing time.
School is school, and I think I finally figured out a good schedule for me. I basically got to pick and choose all the classes that I wanted and nudged them around so I get out early Friday. It's not like my courses actually matter, since I've already graduated, and I really don't understand them at all. In fact, I think passing notes in French is better for my language skill than trying to pay attention to the lectures. Mostly, I doodle in the margines or write little notes to myself.
In Belgium, we go to school for a lot longer, and I'm pretty sure there's more homework, but they don't seem as intense as my Central Academy courses (but it's way harder than most Valley classes.) It's really hard to compare them right now, and I'm sure I'll do a better job when I understand them more.
My weekend, as I mentioned before, was awesome. There was a meeting for all of the exchange students where they talked about the trips and the rules for them. It was terribly boring, but I love all the exchange kids enough that it was a blast. Then we all went on a boat ride, which was fun but my feet almost froze off, and then they let us go. A bunch of us hung around though and bonded.
After that, I took the train to a little villiage for a soirée. It was all about learning to swing dance, but most of the kids were already really good at it. Me? I've never been the most graceful swan on the pond, but I really enjoyed myself.
Sunday, I went to Brussles and spent the day with more exchange students sightseeing until we were tired of the rain.
I don't want you all to think I just hang out with exchangers. I meen, I sort of so, but I'm starting to have Belgian friends too. It's really hard when you don't really speak the language, but it's coming along. I've always found it a little difficult to make friends, and being an exchange student doesn't make it easier (except when you meet other exchange students) but give it time, I think.
Oh, yeah, did I mention that I'm going to London? No, I don't think I did.
Oh, yeah. Going to London.
YOU WERE LEANING TO SWING DANCE!!! I'm actually so jealous!