Sorry for never posting. I've been pretty busy. And by busy, I mean traveling. I went to London last week during the break, and I loved it. I saw the Globe Theater and the Rosetta Stone. I'd write more, but I've already written so much about my trip to so many people and in my jounal that you're just going to have to make do with that.
After my four days in the beautiful country of England, I went back to school and spent Friday, a holiday, in Brugge with my host parents, which is one of the most visited cities in the world because it's super beautiful and awesome. We went to art musames, went on a boat ride, ate in a delicious restraunt, and I bought chocolate. It was a good day.
The next day was Saturday, and one of my new friend's birthdays. Her host mom had planned a sweet suprise party, and my friend just about peed her pants when we all jumped out from behind the curtains. It was a good night.
I've had a couple Skype interview with colleges, and I've already been accepted into a couple, so I know that I'm not going to be a bum when I get back to the states.
I don't know what else to say, so I made a list of everything I love about Belgium.
Fountain pens
Realizing that I understand something
Having better English than my English teacher
Getting a zero on a test and saying 'c'est pas grave' (no big deal)
Keys to doors and wardrobes
The food at Rotary meetings (seriously, in London, I went through withdrawl symptoms)
Seeing cathedral spires on my walk to school
Being in a place with a history
The desserts
The chocolate
French accents when people try to sing in English
French commercials
Cursive, even if it is hard to read
Other exchange students
Making American chocolate chip cookies
Watching the world pass by from a train window
Kissing people (expecially cute boys) on the cheek to say hello
Skinny jeans
Natural yougurt with organic sugar
Fresh bread
The smell of fresh bread
Music on the radio
All the swans
People who complement my progress in French
Metrosexual men
The way my name sounds with a French accent
Graph paper
Liege waffles
Having different classes everyday
The intro to Secret Story (a kinda stupid show)
The freedom
The people I meet
The people who let me hang out with them even if my French sucks
My host family
My second host family
The colors in the trees this time of year
Seeing the blue of the sky after so much grey
French swear words
The great relationship that I have with my real family now that we only talk once a month
Being an exchange student
Being able to take a train nearly anywhere
Teachers that don't get mad if I don't pay attention
The food
Having better stories